Protecting the Health of our Environment, Combatting Climate Change and Promoting Clean Energy
Led effort to ban storage and handling of Coal in Oakland
Former California Policy Director for the Union of Concerned Scientists, climate leader in passing strong statewide greenhouse gas reduction, air quality, and renewable energy requirements
Authored Oakland's law requiring new buildings to be all-electric
Diverted food waste from landfills by ensuring composting for all types of buildings.
Board member and Past Chair, East Bay Community Energy/Ava Community Energy, offering every Oakland resident access to 100% green renewable electricity
Passed requirements to divest City holdings from fossil fuel companies
Past President of StopWaste—Alameda County’ Recycling & Waste Authority. Lead successful effort on the board to expand the County’s Plastic Bag Ban. Chair, Alameda County Recycling Board.
Authored new law establishing reusable food ware requirements to eliminate single-use plastic food ware, thereby reducing little on our streets and in our waterways.
Fought for animal rights by leading and passing legislation to ban torture of circus animals
Wrote law to ban gas-powered leaf blowers in Oakland
Directed the City to invest more in vegetation management to reduce wildfire risk
Passed law to protect residents and vital local pollinators from harmful pesticides
Authored Resolution to ensure greater city-port collaboration on environmental matters.
Helped lead the effort to stop the SFO runway expansion out into San Francisco Bay
Fought to protect sensitive Bay Area habitat and open spaces for future generations
Wrote state law requiring that a certain alternative transportation fuel be made from clean sources
Created and wrote state law to require labels on new cars for sale with rankings of greenhouse gas emissions and smog emissions, which was so successful it was subsequently adopted by the federal government
Lobbied for passage of AB 32—California’s landmark Climate Protection law
Lobbied in support of law that effectively phased out new coal contracts for electricity in California.
Provided expert testimony on many environmental–air quality, climate change, clean energy, transportation–bills throughout my career. Working in coalition on air quality issue in Bay Area and other parts of the state.

Improving Public Safety
Authored law in Oakland to ban ghost guns and illegal ghost gun parts and make it harder to acquire ghost guns.
Wrote the law requiring safe storage of guns in homes; co-authored law to ban unsecured firearms in vehicles
Authored recent legislation directing City Administration and OPD to implement key public safety directives--including security cameras in key locations, a 911 dispatcher retention plan, using FBI assistance in solving shootings and homicides, and bolster our crime intervention efforts.
Wrote firearm procurement policy to ensure OPD does not do business with firearm dealers who traffic in illegal gun sales
Authored Oakland Charter law to create an independent civilian Police Commission
Repeatedly prioritized city funding for investigations of serious and violent crimes
Successfully worked to pass statewide cell phone ‘kill switch’ bill to reduce cell phone robberies
Successfully fought to increase local funding for violence prevention and intervention strategies and reentry services
Organized public hearings to bring attention to efforts to curb domestic violence and help victims

Expanding Housing Affordability
Created new below-market-rate housing by drafting and passing law earmarking tens of millions of dollars of former redevelopment tax funds into Oakland’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Actively supported repurposing of buildings (motels, dormitories) for housing for our homeless residents.
Protected thousands of renters from unfair displacement and rent increases by authoring and passing Tenant Protection Ordinance in 2014, authoring and strengthening our anti-displacement laws in 2016, 2020 and 2022.
Pushed for an increase in housing supply by supporting laws to enable the building of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).
Co-sponsored Fair Chance legislation to help people with criminal records avoid homelessness and reintegrate into the community.
Supported additional funding for homelessness prevention; expanded funding to increase trash collection and cleanings at homeless encampments
Increased funding for services to low-income tenants facing the risk of displacement
Co-authored COVID Emergency Eviction Moratorium
Authored law to temporarily prevent rent increases by rental property owners who are delinquent in their local business taxes.
Named 2020 Affordable Housing Champion by leading affordable housing advocacy group East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO)
Lobbied on bills in Sacramento to get more affordable housing built

Access to Health Care and Reproductive Services
Always defending a woman’s right to choose and access to reproductive services regardless of income
Long-time supporter/advocate for single payer health care. Co-authored Resolutions in support of single payer health care in California
Supported proof of vaccine mandates to reduce spread of COVID.
Wrote law to strengthen Oakland's no-smoking ordinance--ensuring that it applies to residential units in multi-family buildings and at all bars in Oakland.

Supporting Youth, Quality Public Education, and our Libraries
Created innovative partnership with school district to reduce chronic absenteeism and truancy in public elementary schools
Secured funding to preserve and expand public Library services
Named California Public Library Advocates’ 2015 Outstanding Elected Official for advocacy on behalf of Public Libraries
Served on Youth Leadership Strategic Planning Task Force for Oakland Fund for Children & Youth (OFCY)
Supported increased city funding for restorative justice and peer conflict mediation in schools
Authored Charter measure allowing non-citizen parents to vote in local school board elections.
Worked at a Bay Area community college many years ago

Emergency Preparedness and Resiliency
Led wildfire prevention efforts to ensure safe egress on streets in wildfire-threatened areas
Ensured safety by sponsoring law requiring lifesaving seismic retrofit of apartment buildings
Allocated funding to help small businesses/nonprofits renegotiate their rent to prevent them from permanently shutting their doors
Secured additional money for increased trash collection and cleaning crews for homeless encampments
Authored local proof of vaccination ordinance
Distributed hundreds of face masks to grocery store and food service workers, and at homeless encampments during first several months of the COVID pandemic

Promoting Governmental Ethics, Transparency
and Campaign Reform
Spearheaded and passed comprehensive Public Ethics Commission ballot measure and local Government Ethics reforms
Lead Council author for Oakland's innovative campaign finance reform measure known as Democracy Dollars, which broaden participation and reduce special interest influence.
Promoted increased transparency for City commissions and advisory boards
Supported creation of ‘Rainy Day’ fund in City of Oakland budget
Co-authored measure to create independent redistricting commission to take drawing of district boundaries away from the elected officials
Named Best Good Government politician by the East Bay Express (2014)
Former California Common Cause staff organizer – worked to enact strong campaign reforms locally and statewide
Enacted tiered real estate transfer tax, which lowered transfer taxes on very small sales, increased first-time low-income homebuyer tax reduction, added a low to mod exemption for installation of seismic retrofit and/or solar, AND increased taxes on transfer over $2 million, raising millions every year for vital city services

Pedestrian Safety, Transportation, and Walkable Neighborhoods
Promotes street safety transportation infrastructure to slow down traffic and increase safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, and promote safer routes to schools
Advocating for increases in state funding for public transit
Wrote proposed law to create a statewide clean vehicle incentive program
Supported major paving plans to improve the quality and safety of streets
Funded several community murals and pushed through the Paint the Town program after a successful community-based pilot in the Golden Gate neighborhood
Supported an campaigned for regional transportation measures
Supported shared mobility options so residents have multiple travel options
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